Mountaineer Amateur Radio Association is proud to share the current status of their DXCC record!

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"The DXCC List is based on Clinton B. DeSoto's, W1CBD, landmark 1935 QST article, "How to Count Countries Worked, A New DX Scoring System." DeSoto's article discussed problems DXers had in determining how to count the DX, or entities, they had worked. He presented the solution that has worked successfully for succeeding generations of DXers.

In DeSoto's words, "The basic rule is simple and direct: Each discrete geographical or political entity is considered to be a country." This rule has stood the test of time -- from the original list published in 1937, to the ARRL DXCC List of today. For more than 85 years, the DXCC List has been the standard for DXers around the world. 

DeSoto never intended that all DXCC "countries" would be countries in the traditional sense of the word. Rather, they are the distinct geographic and political entities which DXers seek to contact. Individual achievement is measured by working and confirming the various entities comprising the DXCC List. This is the essence of the DXCC program.”

— ARRL Website

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